Thursday 2 February 2012

kitchen bitch gets her sexy back DAY 3

yeah, ok. i slacked like a motherfucker for a few days. i took my r&r {rest & recovery} day last week, and i just didn't know when to fuck off with the r&r. dammit, getting my pre-baby body back is hard! fuck, i'd even settle for my pre-#3 body!!

on friday night, i said fuck it, and had a couple bottles of wine after cleaning the whole house. it was fun, but did i ever regret it the next day!! needless to say, i did not work out on saturday!! that was also the day that BF came home after a 3 day absence, and we fought bitterly. every day until yesterday. and even though that is no excuse to slack on my mission to get fit and healthy, that's exactly what i did. plus, it's really fucking hard to concentrate on what to do and what to eat when you're constantly leaking tears and feeling like everything you've worked for the past 8 years no longer means a thing. but enough of that. a lot of things were said-by both of us-that needed to be said. apologies were made, and a peace treaty of sorts is in progress. 

now... today {as well as all the days i didn't blog about it}, i didn't do the food journal. i will restart that tomorrow. i'll be more likely to stick with it this time too, since i have enlisted my sisters to help me stay motivated every day. i'm lucky to have them, even though we don't see nearly enough of each other. 

today was day 3, because i am just picking up where i left off last week. and that means, it was the day for insanity's plyometric cardio circuit. this is some hard shit, but also one of my fave insanity workouts so far. here's a youtube vid i found to give you an idea of the FUCKING HELL that shawn t put me through today.

now, obviously that vid is really speeded up; the workout is actually 40 or so minutes long. i'm happy to report that i didn't have any nausea this time, and right now {about 2 hours later}, i am still BURSTING with energy. i have the boys doing their chores, potty training #3, cooking supper, and i'm hoping i have enough in me to mop the floors after. this would all be fucking amazing on a normal day... BUT today it is a fucking MIRACLE.. seeing as how i only had 3 hours sleep last night. 

tomorrow i'll be doing the fat blasting circuit from my oxygen magazine. i'm looking forward to it, because it's not as intense as insanity, but you can tell you've really given your muscles a good working.

that's all i have for today. i'm disappointed in myself for slacking, but that's done and over with. there's no point in dwelling on it any more because i can't take it back. i'll see you all again tomorrow!! 


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